1) Convert 0.525 atm to kPa

2) Convert 125000 Pa to psi

.525atm (101.3kPa/1atm)

Thank you, that's what I thought. But what about 125000 Pa to psi?

To convert a pressure from one unit to another, you can use conversion factors. Here's how you can solve the two conversion problems:

1) Convert 0.525 atm to kPa:
To convert from atmospheres (atm) to kilopascals (kPa), you can use the conversion factor: 1 atm = 101.325 kPa.
So, to convert 0.525 atm to kPa, you need to multiply it by the conversion factor:
0.525 atm * 101.325 kPa/atm = 53.02925 kPa (rounded to four decimal places).
Therefore, 0.525 atm is approximately equal to 53.0293 kPa.

2) Convert 125000 Pa to psi:
To convert from pascals (Pa) to pounds per square inch (psi), you can use the conversion factor: 1 psi = 6894.76 Pa.
So, to convert 125000 Pa to psi, you need to divide it by the conversion factor:
125000 Pa / 6894.76 Pa/psi = 18.1153 psi (rounded to four decimal places).
Therefore, 125000 Pa is approximately equal to 18.1153 psi.