What is the sign of each product? Explain.

32. n • n, where n is any nonzero number
33. y • y • y, where y is any negative number

41. Scientists drill 40,230 ft. Into Earth's crust. Write an integer to represent this depth. Estimate the depth drilled to the nearest mile.

42. You go hiking with 5 friends for 4 days. You are in charge of bringing the food. If you plan to eat 3 meals a day, how many meals should you pack?


n is any nonzero number.
n*n = n^2
Therefore it is always (+), regardless of the sign of n.

If y is (-),
(-y)(-y)(-y) = (-1)^3 * (y^3) = -(y^3)
Therefore the sign is (-).

Since it is depth (it went down), from the origin it is:
I think you can do the estimation. The conversion factor is 1 mi = 5280 ft

Each of you eat 3 meals a day, so
5 * 3 = 15 meals a day
Since you go hiking for 4 days,
15 meals / day * 4 days = 60 meals

Hope this helps~ :3


1. To determine the sign of the product 32 • n • n, where n is any nonzero number, we can use the rule that states that when multiplying two numbers with the same sign (either both positive or both negative), the result is always positive. Since n represents any nonzero number, we don't have any specific value for n. However, we still know that the sign will be positive because we are multiplying n by itself. Therefore, the sign of the product will always be positive.

2. For the product y • y • y, where y is any negative number, we need to consider the rule that states that when multiplying an odd number of negative numbers, the result is negative. In this case, we have three "y" numbers being multiplied. Since y is a negative number according to the given condition, multiplying negative numbers results in a negative product. Therefore, the sign of the product will always be negative.

3. To write an integer to represent the depth of 40,230 ft drilled into Earth's crust, we need to consider the direction of the integer. Since scientists drilled into the Earth's crust, we can assume they went downwards. Hence, the depth would be a negative value. Thus, the integer to represent this depth would be -40,230 ft.

To estimate the depth drilled to the nearest mile, we need to remember that 1 mile is equivalent to 5,280 feet. We divide the given depth of 40,230 ft by 5,280 ft/mile. This results in approximately 7.62 miles. Since we want to round to the nearest mile, we would round 7.62 to 8 miles.

4. If you go hiking with 5 friends for 4 days and plan to eat 3 meals a day, the total number of meals should be calculated by multiplying the number of friends, the number of days, and the number of meals per day.

Let's calculate: 5 friends x 4 days x 3 meals/day = 60 meals.

Therefore, you should pack 60 meals for the hiking trip.