You withdraw $260 from your bank account in 5 trips to the ATM. What is the average change in your account balance after each trip?

A submarine descends 60ft./min. What depth below the water's surface will the submarine reach in 4 min after leaving the surface?

In a trivia game, you lose points for incorrect answers. You answer the first 3 incorrect. Your score is -75. How many points is each incorrect answer worth?

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1. -52

2. 240 ft

3. -25 points

To find the average change in your account balance after each trip, you need to divide the total withdrawal amount by the number of trips. So, in this case, you would divide $260 by 5 trips.

Average Change in Account Balance = Total Withdrawal Amount / Number of Trips

Average Change in Account Balance = $260 / 5

Average Change in Account Balance = $52

Therefore, the average change in your account balance after each trip is $52.

To find the depth below the water's surface that the submarine will reach in 4 minutes, you need to multiply the rate of descent (60 ft./min) by the time (4 min).

Depth Below Water's Surface = Rate of Descent * Time

Depth Below Water's Surface = 60 ft./min * 4 min

Depth Below Water's Surface = 240 ft.

Therefore, the submarine will reach a depth of 240 ft below the water's surface after 4 minutes.

To determine how many points each incorrect answer is worth in the trivia game, you need to divide the total score (-75 points) by the number of incorrect answers (3 answers).

Points per Incorrect Answer = Total Score / Number of Incorrect Answers

Points per Incorrect Answer = -75 / 3

Points per Incorrect Answer = -25

Therefore, each incorrect answer is worth -25 points.