Shelby teaches 9th grade Social Studies at a small high school in the rural plains of Kansas. Most of her students are farm kids who will end up working their parents’ farms for the duration of their time in Kansas. In order to make use of the abundant knowledge related to farming and farm equipment, Shelby decides to read Of Mice and Men with her students. Each day in class, she and her students read one chapter of the book and she wants to assign them evening homework that will follow up on the chapter. Once they are finished reading, they will be writing a five paragraph essay that focuses on one character from the book and how they change over the course of the text. For their final essay, students will be required to use quotes from the text as support for their paragraphs

Suggest a nightly assignment that Shelby can give to her students that will reinforce the day’s reading but also help them in preparing for the final essay. What can Shelby do on a daily basis to confirm that all students are keeping up with their homework? How might she enlist the help of parents in keeping students on track?

You could try using something like this. Have each student identify which character he/she will write the final essay about. Each night, each student should be able to add details to at least 3 of the idea clouds for the character chosen.

To reinforce the day's reading and help students prepare for their final essay on "Of Mice and Men," Shelby can assign the following nightly assignment:

1. Weekly Journal Entries: Have students keep a journal where they write a short reflection or response to each chapter they read. This will help them consolidate their thoughts and observations, making it easier to analyze and discuss characters and their development.

To confirm that all students are keeping up with their homework, Shelby can employ the following strategies:

1. In-Class Discussions: Begin each class with a brief discussion on the previous night's reading. Ask students to share their thoughts, insights, and questions about the chapter. This will encourage participation and give Shelby an idea of who is actively engaging with the material.

2. Reading Quizzes: Administer short reading comprehension quizzes at the beginning of class. These quizzes can consist of a few multiple-choice or short answer questions about the previous night's reading. This will assess their comprehension and hold them accountable for completing the assigned readings.

3. Peer Reviews: Implement a peer review system where students exchange and provide constructive feedback on each other's weekly journal entries. This will encourage accountability among the students and allow Shelby to see if they are completing their assignments.

To enlist the help of parents in keeping students on track, Shelby can try the following approaches:

1. Parent-Teacher Communication: Send regular updates to parents regarding the progress of their child, including information about assignments, due dates, and performance. This can be done through email, newsletters, or online platforms that facilitate parent-teacher communication.

2. Homework Reminders: Encourage parents to set aside specific time for homework and reading at home. Provide them with a weekly overview of assignments so they can help their child stay organized and on track.

3. Parent Involvement: Organize periodic parent-teacher conferences or open houses where parents can discuss their child's progress in greater detail. This will allow Shelby to address any concerns, get feedback, and find ways to collaborate with parents in supporting students' learning journey.