It is a 6 dagit number.

The least digit is in the thousands place.
The greatest digit is in the ones place.
The digit in the tens place is 5 less than the digit in the ones place.
The digit in the hundred thousands place is greater than the digit in the tens place but is less than 6.
The digit in the ten thousands place is twice the digit in the tens place.
The digit 2 stands for 200.

What number is?

I got 580,249

Is that right?

I did the last one for you. Now it's your turn.

What have you figured out so far?

Yay! You've got it!


You're welcome.

To solve this problem, let's use the given information one by one:

1. The least digit is in the thousands place: This means that the thousands place digit must be the smallest possible digit, which is 0.

2. The greatest digit is in the ones place: This means that the ones place digit must be the largest possible digit, which is 9.

3. The digit in the tens place is 5 less than the digit in the ones place: Since the digit in the ones place is 9, the digit in the tens place must be 9 - 5 = 4.

4. The digit in the hundred thousands place is greater than the digit in the tens place but is less than 6: The only possible digit that satisfies this condition is 5.

5. The digit in the ten thousands place is twice the digit in the tens place: Since the digit in the tens place is 4, the digit in the ten thousands place must be 4 x 2 = 8.

Now, let's form the number using the given information:

The hundred thousands place is 5.
The ten thousands place is 8.
The thousands place is 0.
The hundreds place is unknown.
The tens place is 4.
The ones place is 9.

Putting it together, the number is 58,049.

Therefore, the number is 58,049.