Both Greek and Enlightenment philosophers believed that humans __________.

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Both Greek and Enlightenment philosophers believed that humans have the capacity for reason and the ability to pursue knowledge and understanding. To explain how these philosophers arrived at this belief, let's break it down:

Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, believed in the power of human reason to discover truth and to understand the world around them. They emphasized the importance of critical thinking, logic, and rational inquiry. Socrates famously stated, "Know thyself," underscoring the belief that self-knowledge and understanding are essential for personal growth and the pursuit of wisdom.

Enlightenment philosophers, such as René Descartes, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant, built upon these ideas, emphasizing the role of reason and intellectual independence. They argued for the liberation of human thought from religious authority and dogma, advocating for the use of reason to guide human actions and decision-making. Enlightenment thinkers believed that through the application of reason, humans could improve society, establish rights and justice, and progress intellectually and morally.

In summary, the belief in the capacity for reason and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is a common thread between Greek and Enlightenment philosophers. They both saw these qualities as essential aspects of human nature and as foundations for personal and societal growth.