The part of a presentation allows me to add character data is Frames.

B. Animation
C. Text Boxes
D. Video Areas

The correct answer is C. Text Boxes.

To add character data in a presentation, you can use text boxes. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open your presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides).
2. Navigate to the slide where you want to add character data.
3. Find the "Insert" tab or option in the toolbar. It may be located at the top of the interface.
4. Look for the "Text Box" option or icon. In PowerPoint, it is usually found in the "Text" group of the "Insert" tab.
5. Click or select the "Text Box" option.
6. Position your cursor on the slide where you want to add the text box for character data.
7. Click and drag to draw the text box on the slide.
8. Once the text box is created, you can start typing or pasting the character data into the text box.
9. Adjust the font, size, color, and other formatting options for the text as desired.
10. Repeat these steps for each slide or section where you want to add character data.

Using text boxes allows you to easily add and format character data, such as dialogue, descriptions, or any other text content, to enhance your presentation.