Please evaluate the writing, grammar, style, spelling as well as content.

People take out oil from the sands in AB so we can drive and leave tailings ponds. This caused a lot of damage to the land and negative impacts to wildlife. Natives get sick from eating to many fish from mercury and air pollution is another big problem. Oil spills get in the water, and the soil and then the fish. Toxicity assessment of oil sands process-affected water using fish cell lines. We should stop poluting because it is bad for the environment.



"so we can drive and leave tailings ponds"?
What caused a lot of damage?
Which natives?
The second to last "sentence" is not complete.

Sandy, Jarry, Dory, whoever ~

You really need to learn to proof better BEFORE you post on any website. Here's how:

1. Read your paper aloud to another student in your class; make sure both you and the other student have a printed copy in your hands while you read.

2. After making corrections, reprint ... two copies.

3. Ask the other student in your class to read your paper aloud to you.

4. Make all the corrections.

5. Let it sit for a day or two. Then go through at least steps 1 and 2 above.

THEN you'll be ready to post it for us to proofread.

In terms of writing and grammar, there are a few errors in the original text. Here's the corrected version with the errors marked in brackets:

"People [extract] oil from the sands in AB [Alberta, Canada] so we can drive [vehicles] and [leave behind] tailings ponds. [This] caused a lot of damage to the land and [had] negative impacts on wildlife. Natives [become] sick from eating [too] many fish [contaminated] with mercury, and [air] pollution is another big problem. Oil spills [can] [contaminate] the water and soil, [affecting] the fish. Toxicity assessment[s] of oil sands process-affected water using fish cell lines [are conducted]. We should stop [polluting] because it is bad for the environment."

In terms of style, the text is concise and straightforward, which makes it easy to understand. However, there is room for improvement in terms of transitioning between ideas and maintaining a cohesive flow.

Regarding spelling, there are no spelling mistakes in the corrected version.

In terms of content, the original text touches on some important environmental issues related to oil extraction from sands in Alberta. It highlights the damage to the land and negative impacts on wildlife. It also mentions the health issues experienced by indigenous communities due to consuming fish contaminated with mercury. The text briefly mentions air pollution and the spread of oil spills, emphasizing the need to stop polluting for the sake of the environment. However, more specific information or examples supporting these claims could enhance the content.

Overall, the writing is clear, and the content covers key concerns related to oil extraction, pollution, and their environmental implications.