What are the common nouns in these sentences? I think I have them right but I'm not sure. 1 is zone. 2 is steamboat. 3 is sister 4 is cross, and crossings. 5 is brother and animals. 6 is beavers and people 7 is voyage and world. It would be greatly appreciated if someone tells me if I missed any.

1. Africa lies chiefly in the torrid zone.
2. Robert Fulton built the first successful steamboat.
3. My sister attends the University of Michigan.
4. We should never cross the street except at crossings.
5. Paul and his brother stopped to see the animals.
6. Beavers are clean, hard working and helpful to people.
7. Magellan did not survive his voyage around the world.

1 - 3 are right.

4. Cross is a verb.
5 - 6 are right.


Thank you!

You're welcome.

To find the common nouns in these sentences, you need to identify the general names for people, places, things, or ideas. Here's a breakdown of the common nouns in each sentence:

1. Africa, torrid zone
2. steamboat
3. sister, University of Michigan
4. street, crossings
5. brother, animals
6. beavers, people
7. voyage, world

In analyzing these sentences, you correctly identified most of the common nouns. However, there are a few additional common nouns that you missed:

- In sentence 3, you missed "University."
- In sentence 5, you missed "Paul." Although it's a proper noun (specific name), it can still be considered a common noun in this context.
- In sentence 7, you missed "Magellan."

So, to recap, the corrected list of common nouns is:

1. Africa, torrid zone
2. steamboat
3. sister, University
4. street, crossings
5. Paul, brother, animals
6. beavers, people
7. voyage, world

Remember, common nouns refer to general names, while proper nouns refer to specific names.