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Homework Help: Math (HELP PLEASE)
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 8:37pm.

Estimate the total precipitation in inches and in days for Asheville and Wichita.

City: Inches: Days:
Ashevile,North Carolina |47.71|124

Wichita,Kansas |28.61|85
Math (HELP PLEASE) - PsyDAG, Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 2:33pm
These are estimates.


NC = 48

K = 29


48/124 = ?

29/85 = ?
Math (HELP PLEASE) - I need help on this to, Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 8:21pm
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For Further Reading

To estimate the total precipitation in inches and in days for Asheville and Wichita, you can divide the total precipitation by the number of days.

For Asheville, the total precipitation is 47.71 inches and the number of days is 124. So, to estimate the daily precipitation, you can divide 47.71 by 124.

For Wichita, the total precipitation is 28.61 inches and the number of days is 85. So, to estimate the daily precipitation, you can divide 28.61 by 85.