what does "There are a lot of people in the projects who say they're not going to do drugs, that they're not going to drop out, that they won't be on the streets. But they're doing it now. Never say never" mean?

The statement "There are a lot of people in the projects who say they're not going to do drugs, that they're not going to drop out, that they won't be on the streets. But they're doing it now. Never say never" suggests that there are individuals living in a specific area (referred to as "the projects"), who initially had good intentions. They claimed that they would not engage in drug use, would not quit school, and would avoid becoming homeless. However, the speaker implies that these people have ended up doing exactly what they said they wouldn't do. The phrase "never say never" serves as a reminder not to make definitive statements about the future, as circumstances can change unexpectedly.

To understand this passage, you need to analyze the context and the words used. It explains a situation where people from a particular area had expressed their intentions regarding certain behaviors but failed to follow through on those intentions, contradicting themselves. The phrase "never say never" is a common idiom that suggests caution against making absolute statements about what you will or will not do in the future. It acknowledges the unpredictability of life and emphasizes the importance of staying open-minded and adaptable.