what makes the use of variables diffcult to understand?

what makes them difficult to understand is :

Depending on which variables are used somehow they have to predict just how they vary, and what factors influence the variation

this is what i got helped on from the tutors here and they are correct.

Variables can be challenging to understand for several reasons:

1. Lack of familiarity: If someone is new to programming or mathematics, the concept of variables might be entirely foreign to them. It takes time to grasp the idea of storing and manipulating data using variables.

2. Abstract nature: Variables represent abstract concepts, such as numbers, strings, or objects. These concepts may not have a tangible representation in the real world, making it harder to understand their purpose and usage.

3. Naming conventions: Choosing appropriate and meaningful names for variables can be confusing, especially when dealing with complex code. Poorly named variables can make the code difficult to read, understand, and maintain.

4. Scope and lifetime: Variables have different scopes and lifetimes, which determine where and for how long they can be accessed. Understanding scope rules, such as local and global variables, can be challenging, especially for beginners.

5. Data types and type conversions: Variables can hold different types of data, such as integers, strings, floats, or booleans. Understanding the different data types, their limitations, and when type conversions are necessary or automatic can be a source of confusion.

To overcome these difficulties and understand variables better, it is recommended to:

1. Study basic programming concepts: Familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of programming, such as data types, variables, and operations.

2. Practice coding exercises: Engage in coding exercises and challenges that involve using variables. This will help you get hands-on experience and reinforce your understanding.

3. Read and analyze code examples: Examine code examples from reputable sources or open-source projects to see how variables are used in real-world scenarios. This can provide insights into best practices and effective variable usage.

4. Ask for help and seek clarification: If you're struggling with variables, don't hesitate to ask for help. Reach out to tutors, join programming communities, or consult online resources for clarification and guidance.

Remember, practice and persistence are key to improving your understanding of variables. With time and experience, you will become more comfortable with their usage and the concepts surrounding them.