Were currently studying the early middle ages in western europe. I have been assigned a huge ammount of homework and need some help on two questoins.

Why would a lord grant an estate to a vassal?

Describe the Franks?

Neither was mentioned in class or the text. I think the second question is describe the Franks in the time frame of the early middle ages not now.

Time frame is like 700-1000
The book talks about the Manor an economic system.
The medieval church and stuff of the sort.

Thanks for help


Ignoring the links to games (!!), there are many sites in here that will help you with your first question. What the question is asking about is a practice in feudalism.

The Franks were the people who preceded the modern French people:



Read especially about Lords, Vassals, and Fiefs.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your history homework on the early Middle Ages in Western Europe. Let's break down your questions and find the information you need.

1. Why would a lord grant an estate to a vassal?
To understand this, we need to explore the concept of feudalism, which was a dominant social and economic system during the early Middle Ages. In feudalism, lords (also known as landowners or nobles) held vast territories of land and had political and military power. These lords would grant parcels of land, known as estates or fiefs, to their vassals. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

a) Start by considering the motives of the lord: The primary reason a lord would grant an estate to a vassal was to ensure loyalty and military support. Vassals were expected to provide military service and aid in times of warfare to their lords.

b) Think about benefits for the vassal: In return for their service, vassals were granted land and protection by their lords. This allowed them to sustain themselves economically through agriculture and other means, as they had the right to use and profit from the land they were granted.

c) Analyze the feudal relationship: The act of granting an estate created a feudal bond between the lord and vassal. The vassal owed loyalty, military service, and other obligations to the lord, who, in turn, owed protection and support to the vassal.

Taking these points into account, you can explain that lords granted estates to vassals as a way to establish a hierarchical system based on loyalty, military service, and economic benefits.

2. Describe the Franks in the early Middle Ages:
During the specified time frame (around 700-1000), the Franks were one of the prominent Germanic tribes that inhabited Western Europe. They played a significant role in the early Middle Ages, and their leader Charlemagne became the first Holy Roman Emperor. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you describe the Franks:

a) Research their origins: The Franks originated from the region that is now modern-day Germany. They migrated to the area of Gaul (present-day France) during the 5th and 6th centuries.

b) Examine their society and governance: The Franks had a hierarchical society, with the king at the top, followed by nobles and freemen. They practiced a form of monarchy with a strong emphasis on warrior culture. The king was responsible for leading military campaigns and enforcing laws.

c) Highlight their achievements: Under Charlemagne's rule in the 8th and 9th centuries, the Frankish kingdom expanded significantly, becoming the Carolingian Empire. Charlemagne promoted learning and culture, leading to a period of intellectual and artistic flourishing known as the Carolingian Renaissance.

d) Mention their religious affiliation: The Franks embraced Christianity during the early Middle Ages. Charlemagne played a crucial role in spreading Christianity throughout his empire, establishing closer ties with the papacy in Rome.

By following these steps, you can provide a brief description of the Franks during the early Middle Ages, touching on their origins, society, governance, achievements, and religious affiliation.

Remember to consult your textbook, class notes, and reliable online sources for more detailed information to support your answers.