4xy+2k for x=3,y=-4 and k=5

so, just plug in the numbers

4(3)(-4) + 2(5) = ?

4 * 3 * -4 + 2 * 5 = -38


Substitute the numbers for the letters

(4 * 3 * -4) + (2 * 5)

-48 + 10 = -38

To evaluate the expression 4xy + 2k for x=3, y=-4, and k=5, you can substitute these values into the expression and perform the calculations step by step.

x = 3
y = -4
k = 5

Substitute the values into the expression:
4xy + 2k = 4(3)(-4) + 2(5)

Now perform the calculations:
4(3)(-4) = -48
2(5) = 10

Substitute the calculated values back into the original expression:
-48 + 10

Now, perform the addition:
-48 + 10 = -38

Therefore, the value of 4xy + 2k for x=3, y=-4, and k=5 is -38.