Opposite of Giant

Opposite of Usefulness

Giant -- midget? dwarf? tiny? small?

Usefulness -- uselessness?

The opposite of "giant" is "tiny" or "small." To find the opposite of a word, you can use a few strategies.

1. Antonyms: Look for antonyms or words with opposite meanings in thesauruses or online dictionaries. For instance, if you search for "antonym of giant" on a search engine, you will likely find "tiny" or "small" among the results.

2. Word analysis: Analyze the word itself to identify potential opposites. In the case of "giant," you can break it down and think of its opposite based on size. A giant is very large, so the opposite would be something very small.

Similarly, the opposite of "usefulness" is "uselessness" or "worthlessness." Again, you can use the same strategies mentioned above to find the opposite of a word. You can search for antonyms of "usefulness" or analyze the word to determine its opposite based on meaning.

Remember, these strategies can be applied to find the opposite of any word!