3. A hot air balloon is at a height of 2,250 feet. It descends 150 feet each minute. Find it's height after six, eight, and ten minutes. Make a table to show the pattern of heights. Write an expression for the balloon's height at "m" minutes.

This one just has me completely lost. Do I divide or subtract or...? I have not the slightest idea what the answers are, how to set up the expression, how to make the table, etc. This is why I need help urgently, PLEASE. I'll try, though...

2,250 - 150 ÷ m

2,250 - 150 ÷ 6 =
2400 ÷ 6 = 400

2,250 - 150 ÷ 8
2400 ÷ 8 = 300

2,250 - 150 ÷ 10
2400 ÷ 10 = 240

Is this correct, or is it 2,250 ÷ 150 - m? I'm so lost. :/ Also, what's the pattern? I've been asking since last night with absolutely no response whatsoever. I apologize, as I know you are busy with many other questions.

900ft after 6minutes

1200 after 8minutes
750 after 10minutes

give me the answer

6 * 150 = 900 feet dropped in 6 minutes

2250 - 900 = 1350 height after 6 minutes

Take it from there.

Not understand because in my text book answer key the answer is 450 after 12min

I can definitely help you with this problem. Let's break it down step by step.

First, let's calculate the height of the balloon after six minutes. We are given that the balloon descends 150 feet each minute, so to find the height after six minutes, we need to subtract 150 from the initial height of 2,250 feet for each minute. Using your formula, it would be: 2,250 - (150 × 6) = 2,250 - 900 = 1,350 feet.

Next, let's calculate the height after eight minutes. Using the same logic, we have: 2,250 - (150 × 8) = 2,250 - 1,200 = 1,050 feet.

Finally, let's calculate the height after ten minutes: 2,250 - (150 × 10) = 2,250 - 1,500 = 750 feet.

Now, let's create a table to show the pattern of heights:

| Minutes | Height (feet) |
| 6 | 1,350 |
| 8 | 1,050 |
| 10 | 750 |

As for the expression for the balloon's height at "m" minutes, we can use the formula: height(m) = 2,250 - (150 × m). This formula allows you to plug in any value for "m" and find the corresponding height of the balloon at that time.

I hope this clears up any confusion and helps you with the problem. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!