A person takes a trip, driving with a constant speed of 90 km/h except for a rest

stop for 30min. If his average speed is 78 km/h, how much time is spent on the
trip and how far does the person travel?

To find the total time spent on the trip, we need to take into account the time spent driving at a constant speed of 90 km/h and the rest stop.

Let's first find the time spent on driving. We can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Since the average speed is given as 78 km/h, we can use this to find the distance traveled during the driving portion of the trip.

Distance (driving portion) = Average Speed × Time (driving portion)

Now, let's calculate the time spent on the trip including the rest stop. We need to add the rest stop time to the time spent driving.

Total Time = Time (driving portion) + Rest Stop Time

To find the rest stop time, we are given that it is 30 minutes, which we can convert to hours by dividing by 60.

Rest Stop Time = 30 minutes / 60

Now, let's substitute the given values and calculate the rest stop time and total time spent on the trip.

Distance (driving portion) = 78 km/h × Time (driving portion)
Total Time = Time (driving portion) + Rest Stop Time

However, we don't know the distance or the time spent driving yet. To find these, we need more information from the problem.