Estimate the total weight of two boxes that weigh 9.4 lb and 62.6 lb using rounding and compatible numbers. Which estimate is closer to the actual weight?Why?

I don't know about compatible numbers -- but rounding those number produce a sum of 72 pounds.

To estimate the total weight of two boxes using rounding and compatible numbers, we can start by rounding the given weights to the nearest tens or hundreds place. For this, we will round 9.4 lb to 10 lb and 62.6 lb to 60 lb.

Now, we can add the rounded weights together: 10 lb + 60 lb = 70 lb.

So, the estimate of the total weight of the two boxes using rounding is 70 lb.

Next, let's estimate using compatible numbers. Compatible numbers are numbers that are easy to work with mentally and round to a simpler value. We can consider 5 and 65 as compatible numbers since they are closer to the given weights.

We can round the weights to these compatible numbers:

9.4 lb rounds to 5 lb.
62.6 lb rounds to 65 lb.

Adding these compatible numbers together, we get: 5 lb + 65 lb = 70 lb.

So, the estimate of the total weight of the two boxes using compatible numbers is also 70 lb.

Both the rounding and compatible numbers estimates yield the same result of 70 lb. Therefore, both estimates are equally close to the actual weight.