the average weight of men in a meeting room is 170 pounds, and average weight of women is 130 pounds. if more than 60% of the people in the room are men, which of the following could be the average weight of all the people in the room?

How much "more than 60%"?

What choices follow?

Didnt give us the choices yet and that's how the question is written

To determine the possible average weight of all the people in the room, we need to consider the weight distribution based on the percentage of men and women.

Let's denote the total number of people in the room as "T," the number of men in the room as "M," and the number of women as "W."

Given that more than 60% of the people in the room are men (M > 0.6T), we can deduce that the number of women is less than 40% (W < 0.4T).

We are given that the average weight of men is 170 pounds and the average weight of women is 130 pounds. To find the possible average weight of all the people in the room, we should consider the weight distribution based on different scenarios.

1. Minimum possible weight:
- Let's assume that every person in the room is a man. In this case, the average weight would be 170 pounds.

2. Maximum possible weight:
- Let's assume that 60% of the people are men and 40% are women.
- If the average weight of men is 170 pounds and the average weight of women is 130 pounds, we can calculate the weighted average as follows:
Average weight = (0.6 * 170) + (0.4 * 130)
= 102 + 52
= 154 pounds

Therefore, the possible range for the average weight of all the people in the room is from the minimum (170 pounds) to the maximum (154 pounds).