Let (2x-12) degrees represent the measure of an acute angle. What are the possible values of x? So lost can some one please help me

An acute angle has less than 90 degrees.

X must be no larger than 51.

(2 * 51) - 12 = 90


X must be smaller than 51.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with that!

In order to find the possible values of x, we need to determine the valid range for which the measure of the acute angle is defined.

An acute angle is an angle that measures greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees. So, we can set up an inequality to represent this condition:

0° < (2x - 12)° < 90°

Let's solve this inequality step by step:

1. Start by adding 12 degrees to all sides of the inequality:
0° + 12° < (2x - 12)° + 12° < 90° + 12°
12° < 2x° < 102°

2. Since we're looking for the possible values of x, divide all sides of the inequality by 2:
12° / 2 < 2x° / 2 < 102° / 2
6° < x° < 51°

So, the possible values for x (expressed in degrees) that make the measure of the acute angle valid are between 6 and 51.

I hope this explanation helps you better understand how to find the possible values of x in this problem. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!