18. Suppose for any ordered pair the x and y coordinate are always the same integer. Where are all the possible locations for these sets of ordered pairs?

A.Quadrant 1 and 3
B.Quarants 1 and 3 and the origin
C. Quadrants 2 and 4
D.Quadrants 2 and 4 and origin

To determine the possible locations for sets of ordered pairs where the x and y coordinates are always the same integer, we need to consider the quadrants on a coordinate plane.

In Quadrant 1, both the x and y coordinates are positive integers. Therefore, it is a possible location for the sets of ordered pairs.

In Quadrant 2, the x coordinate is negative while the y coordinate is positive. Since the ordered pairs have the same integer for both coordinates, it is not possible to have both a negative and positive integer for the coordinates in the same ordered pair. Therefore, Quadrant 2 is not a possible location.

In Quadrant 3, both the x and y coordinates are negative integers. Therefore, it is a possible location for the sets of ordered pairs.

In Quadrant 4, the x coordinate is positive while the y coordinate is negative. Similar to Quadrant 2, it is not possible to have both a positive and negative integer for the coordinates in the same ordered pair. Therefore, Quadrant 4 is not a possible location.

Finally, the origin (0,0) is a special point located at the intersection of the x and y axes. Since the ordered pairs have the same integer for both coordinates, it is not possible to have the value 0 for both coordinates. Therefore, the origin is not a possible location.

Hence, the possible locations for the sets of ordered pairs are Quadrant 1 and Quadrant 3, as stated in option B.