x^2(insert radical sign) x

is this statement always true
is this true when x is negative
is this never true
is this true when x=0

Wow can't understand this. Anyone explain this to me please

On iMac, "√" can be found by using option + v keys.


There is no statement.

To determine whether the statement "x^2√x" is always true, true when x is negative, never true, or true when x=0, we need to simplify and analyze the expression.

First, let's simplify the expression "x^2√x." The term "x^2" represents x raised to the power of 2, and the √x represents the square root of x. Thus, the expression can be rewritten as "x^2 * √x."

Now, let's evaluate each case:

1. Is the statement always true?
To check if the statement is always true, we need to see if it holds for any value of x. Since we don't have any restrictions on x, we can conclude that this statement can be true.

2. Is the statement true when x is negative?
To determine if the statement is true when x is negative, we can substitute a negative value for x and observe the result. Let's choose x = -1. Plugging this into the expression, we get (-1)^2 * √(-1) = 1 * √(-1) = √(-1). Since the square root of a negative number is imaginary (complex), the statement is not true when x is negative.

3. Is the statement never true?
To determine if the statement is never true, we need to find if there are any values of x for which the statement is false. Since we have established that the statement can be true for some values of x, we can conclude that the statement is never false.

4. Is the statement true when x = 0?
To check if the statement is true when x = 0, we substitute 0 for x into the expression: 0^2 * √0 = 0 * 0 = 0. Therefore, the statement is true when x = 0.

In summary:
- The statement "x^2√x" is always true.
- The statement is not true when x is negative.
- The statement is never false.
- The statement is true when x = 0.