Nosotros siempre _____ la comida.

A. comparten

B. comparto

C. compartimos

D. comparte


I disagree.

Find the subject and then choose the verb that agrees with the subject.

To find the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the grammatical rules for conjugating verbs in Spanish. In this case, we are looking for the correct conjugation of the verb "compartir" (to share) in the present tense when the subject is "nosotros" (we).

In Spanish, when the subject is "nosotros," we add the ending "-emos" to the verb. Now let's apply this rule to the options given:

A. comparten - This is the conjugation for the pronoun "ellos" (they), not "nosotros." It is incorrect.

B. comparto - This is the conjugation for the pronoun "yo" (I), not "nosotros." It is incorrect.

C. compartimos - This is the correct conjugation for the pronoun "nosotros." The verb "compartir" is correctly conjugated in the present tense, understanding that the subject is "nosotros" (we).

D. comparte - This is the conjugation for the pronoun "él" (he) or "ella" (she), not "nosotros." It is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. compartimos.