Contact lenses improve lives. Contact lenses are an example of what?

Is the answer physics?

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Do you have choices? What are they? Physics by itself doesn't tell me much.

No, contact lenses are not an example of physics. Contact lenses are actually a type of medical device used to correct vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. They work by directly sitting on the surface of the eye, providing a clear and correct focusing of light on the retina. So, the correct answer is "medical device" or "vision correction solution".

No, the answer is not physics. Contact lenses are actually an example of biomedical engineering. They are a medical device designed to correct vision problems and provide an alternative to traditional eyeglasses. Specifically, contact lenses make use of principles from materials science and bioengineering to create a thin, transparent lens that rests directly on the cornea of the eye. These lenses help to refract light properly onto the retina, thereby improving vision. If you want to learn more about contact lenses or any other specific topic, feel free to ask!