are these two statements true?

(a/b)^x = a^x - b^x


(x^a + x^a+b) / (1+x^b) = x^a

To determine if the given statements are true, let's analyze each statement separately.

1. (a/b)^x = a^x - b^x:

To verify the correctness of this equation, we need to perform the necessary algebraic operations and check if both sides of the equation are equivalent.

Starting with the left side:

(a/b)^x = (a/b)^x

To simplify further, we can write (a/b) as a fraction:

(a/b)^x = (a/b)^x = (a^x)/(b^x)

Now let's examine the right side:

a^x - b^x

Since the two sides should be equal, we can set them equal to each other:

(a^x)/(b^x) = a^x - b^x

To continue, we could multiply both sides of the equation by b^x to eliminate the fraction:

(a^x) = a^x * b^x - b^2x

However, at this point, we can observe that the equation in the original form does not hold true. By simplifying, we see that the statement (a/b)^x = a^x - b^x is NOT true.

2. (x^a + x^a+b) / (1+x^b) = x^a:

Similarly, let's take a closer look at this equation and determine its validity.

Begin with the left side:

(x^a + x^a+b) / (1+x^b)

To simplify further, we can factor out x^a from the numerator:

x^a * (1 + x^b-a) / (1 + x^b)

Now let's examine the right side:


To check if the equation holds true, we need to compare the two sides and confirm their equivalence:

x^a * (1 + x^b-a) / (1 + x^b) = x^a

Here, we can observe that the equation does hold true. By simplifying both sides, we can see that (x^a + x^a+b) / (1+x^b) = x^a.

In summary, the first statement (a/b)^x = a^x - b^x is NOT true, while the second statement (x^a + x^a+b) / (1+x^b) = x^a is indeed true.