What tool did Henry Hudson use to help him explore? E.x. a compass, etc. What were his parents' names?

Hudson used a compass and probably an astrolabe.

The names of Hudson's parents are not known.

what tool did henry hudson

To find out what tools Henry Hudson used for exploration, we can refer to historical records and accounts of his voyages. Henry Hudson was an English navigator and explorer who lived during the 17th century. He embarked on several expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage, a hypothetical route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

During his voyages, Henry Hudson would have utilized various tools and instruments commonly used by explorers of the time. Some of the essential tools he might have used include:

1. Compass: A compass is a navigational instrument used to determine direction. It would have helped Hudson navigate and maintain a proper course during his explorations.

2. Astrolabe: An astrolabe is a device used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies, such as the Sun or stars. It helps determine the latitude of a specific location. Hudson would have used it to navigate and establish his position while at sea.

3. Quadrant: A quadrant is an instrument used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies as well. It is similar to an astrolabe but more compact. It aids in determining latitude and would have been beneficial for Hudson during his exploration.

4. Log and Line: A log and line, also known as a logline or a chip log, is a method used to measure the speed of a ship through the water. It is an essential tool for calculating distances covered during a voyage.

Regarding the second part of your question about Henry Hudson's parents' names, the historical records provide limited information about his family. While it is known that his father was named Christopher Hudson, the name of his mother is not widely documented. The focus of available historical records primarily centers around Henry Hudson's exploration and voyages rather than his family background.