does anyone know anything about bieng a lawyer?


i am one the debate team does that count

in a u live in new york? becuz there is a debate between different schools in columbia universty. im on the debate team too..but dat doesnt mean anything..what do u no bout law.

This site tells a lot about being a lawyer.

To learn more about being a lawyer, you can start by researching the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website. The link provided ( specifically gives information about the occupation of lawyers.

On the BLS website, you will find detailed information about the typical job duties of lawyers, the education and training required, the job outlook, and the median pay for this profession. It also provides information about the different types of lawyers and their specialties, such as criminal law, corporate law, or family law.

Additionally, you may consider speaking with actual lawyers to gain first-hand insights into the profession. You can ask them about their educational journey, daily tasks, and challenges they face in their careers.

Keep in mind that being part of a debate team can provide some transferable skills to the legal profession, such as critical thinking, public speaking, and analytical abilities. However, becoming a lawyer requires specific education, typically a law degree from an accredited law school, passing the bar exam, and fulfilling any other requirements set by your jurisdiction.

It's essential to do thorough research and speak with professionals in the field to gain a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to pursue a career in law.