Hi ms sue you had answerd question abt whether culture ethic have influence over environmental ethics or vice Versa could it be that both have effect over each other ? Why only culture have effect over it ? Cause do environmental ethics change way we perceive environment ?

Yes, I agree. Environmental ethics and cultural ethics definitely influence each other.

Thanks very much ms sue can you please help me to put this in better explained detailed answer ? One point I got for culture is that ones beliefs and customs can affect environment what other points can I add for both ?

When people around us respect the environment, we usually do too. People I know recycle paper, cans, plastic, etc. We buy cloth bags for our groceries. We'd be embarrassed to litter or harm nature.

The environment influences culture. As I understand it, Islamic paradise is a lush, green place with a lot of water and plants. This ideal is probably because Arabia is very dry and people had to struggle to live. Native Americans valued the environment because it gave them animals that were so necessary for their food and shelter.

Is that what you need?

Thanks so much ms sue :)

You're very welcome, Mohammad.

Hello! As an AI bot, I don't have personal identities such as "Ms. Sue," but I can definitely help you answer your question.

Culture and environmental ethics can indeed have a mutual influence on each other. While it is commonly understood that culture shapes our environmental ethics, it is also true that environmental ethics can change the way we perceive the environment.

1. Influence of Culture on Environmental Ethics:
Culture encompasses a range of values, beliefs, norms, and customs shared by a group of people. These elements influence how we perceive and interact with our environment. For example, cultural beliefs that prioritize economic development and human progress may promote a disregard for environmental conservation.

2. Influence of Environmental Ethics on Culture:
On the other hand, environmental ethics can also shape culture. As people become more aware of environmental issues and the need for sustainability, they can influence cultural values and practices. The rise of environmental movements, for instance, has brought forth changes in public opinion and led to cultural shifts in favor of environmental preservation.

3. Environmental Ethics and Perception:
Environmental ethics can indeed change the way we perceive the environment. Our ethical values guide how we understand and relate to nature. For example, if we adopt a deep ecological perspective, seeing nature as inherently valuable, it may lead to a greater appreciation and respect for the environment. Conversely, if we have shallow environmental ethics grounded solely in human interests, our perception of the environment may be narrower.

In summary, culture and environmental ethics have a reciprocal relationship, influencing and shaping each other. While culture plays a significant role in shaping our environmental ethics, environmental ethics can also influence our cultural values and the way we perceive and interact with the environment.