Six dogs have an average(arithmetic mean) weight of 55 pounds. If the heaviest dog weighs 100 pounds, the lightest dog weighs 5 pounds, and the second-lightest dog weighs 30 pounds, what is the average weight of the other 3 dogs in pounds?

6 * 55 = 330

330 - 135 = 195

Find the average of the 3 dogs.

Anna weighs 54 pounds. Peter weighs x pounds. Write an expression for their combined weight.

To find the average weight of the other 3 dogs, you'll need to subtract the weights of the heaviest, lightest, and second-lightest dogs from the total weight of all 6 dogs.

Total weight of all 6 dogs = Average weight x Number of dogs
Total weight of all 6 dogs = 55 pounds x 6 dogs
Total weight of all 6 dogs = 330 pounds

Now subtract the weights of the heaviest, lightest, and second-lightest dogs:
Total weight of the other 3 dogs = Total weight of all 6 dogs - Weight of heaviest dog - Weight of lightest dog - Weight of second-lightest dog
Total weight of the other 3 dogs = 330 pounds - 100 pounds - 5 pounds - 30 pounds
Total weight of the other 3 dogs = 195 pounds

Since there are 3 dogs remaining, divide the total weight of the other 3 dogs by 3 to find the average weight:
Average weight of the other 3 dogs = Total weight of the other 3 dogs / Number of other dogs
Average weight of the other 3 dogs = 195 pounds / 3 dogs
Average weight of the other 3 dogs = 65 pounds

Therefore, the average weight of the other 3 dogs is 65 pounds.