In a class of 60 student,the number of student who passed biology is 6 more than the number of student who passed chemistry.Every student passed atleast one of the two subject and 85 student passed both subjects

What is your question?

To find the number of students who passed both biology and chemistry, you can subtract the number of students who passed both subjects from the total number of students who passed at least one of the two subjects.

Let's break down the information provided:

- Total number of students in the class: 60
- Number of students who passed both biology and chemistry: 85

To find the number of students who passed at least one of the two subjects, we need to remove the students who passed both subjects from the total number of students who passed at least one subject.

Total number of students who passed at least one subject = Total number of students - Number of students who passed both subjects

Total number of students who passed at least one subject = 60 - 85 = -25

However, a negative number does not make sense in this context. So, there seems to be an error in the information provided.

Please double-check the information and provide any additional details if available.