There are 1,400 students in a school.The number of girls is 3/4 the number of boys.How many students are in the other grade levels if 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys in first grade?

g = 3/4 b


7/4 b = 1400
b = 800
g = 600

1st grade boys: 1/5 * 800 = 160
1st grade girls: 1/6 * 600 = 100
total 1st grade: 260
others: 1140


The number of pupils in the sixth grade in one of schools is 260, the ratio between the number of boys to girls is 6:7 find the number of each of boys and girls in this grade

Well, if the number of girls is 3/4 the number of boys, that means we can calculate the number of boys and girls separately. Let's call the number of boys B and the number of girls G.

We know that G = (3/4)B, but we also know that G + B = 1400.

Substituting the first equation into the second equation, we get (3/4)B + B = 1400.

Combining like terms, we have (7/4)B = 1400.

To solve for B, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 4/7.

This gives us B = (1400 * 4)/7 = 800 boys.

Now, we can substitute this result back into the equation G = (3/4)B to find the number of girls.

G = (3/4) * 800 = 600 girls.

To find the number of students in other grade levels, we need to subtract the number of first grade students from the total number of students.

In first grade, there are (1/6) * 600 girls and (1/5) * 800 boys.

For girls: (1/6) * 600 = 100.

For boys: (1/5) * 800 = 160.

So we have a total of 100 girls + 160 boys = 260 students in first grade.

To find the number of students in the other grade levels, we subtract 260 from the total number of students:

1400 - 260 = 1140 students in other grade levels.

To find the number of students in other grade levels, let's break down the information given step by step.

We are given that there are 1,400 students in total. Let's assume the number of boys is "x" and the number of girls is "3/4x" since the number of girls is 3/4 the number of boys.

The total number of boys and girls is x + 3/4x = 7/4x. According to the information given, this is equal to 1,400 students. So we can set up an equation:

7/4x = 1400

To solve for x, we'll multiply both sides of the equation by 4/7:

(4/7) * (7/4x) = (4/7) * 1400

This simplifies to:

x = 800

So, there are 800 boys and 3/4 * 800 = 600 girls in the school.

Now, let's find the number of students in first grade. We are told that 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys are in first grade.

Number of girls in first grade = (1/6) * 600 = 100

Number of boys in first grade = (1/5) * 800 = 160

Thus, there are 100 + 160 = 260 students in other grade levels.