how do you write radicals as powers? please help me with the following question, I know the answer but I don't know HOW to get it. I must learn this so please help me.

�ãy 5/3

the ay was supposed to be a square root sign..

No wait let me re type the question:

y5/3 is under the square root sign

To write a radical as a power, you need to understand that a radical is essentially the inverse operation of exponentiation. Let's take the given example: √(5/3).

To write the radical as a power, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the index of the radical. In this case, since there is no index mentioned, it is assumed to be a square root, which has an index of 2.

Step 2: Determine the exponent required to achieve the given radical. In this case, to convert the square root (√) to an exponent, we need to raise the number to the power of 1/2 (since the index is 2).

Step 3: Apply the exponent to the number inside the radical. Raise 5/3 to the power of 1/2: (5/3)^(1/2).

Step 4: Simplify the expression by applying the power to the numerator and denominator separately: (5^1/2) / (3^1/2).

The simplified expression can also be written as √5 / √3.

Note: When simplifying the expression, radical signs (√) are often preferred over fractional exponents, as they are easier to read.

So, the given radical (√(5/3)) can be written as (√5 / √3).