I have to define what these words mean culture and environmental ethics and which one have influence over other

For culture I just wrote that its beliefs and customs that are shared of group of people anything to add to that and I don't get what environmental ethic means and which one have influence over other

Environmental ethic means respect for the environment. People who believe in environmental ethics try to protect and save the natural environment.

Cultural ethics have influence on environmental ethics.

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, behaviors, language, and traditions shared by a group of people. It encompasses a wide range of aspects, including social norms, values, rituals, art, and technology.

To define culture more comprehensively, you can also emphasize that it is a learned and shared set of patterns that shape individuals' perspectives, behavior, and interaction within a specific group or society. It includes knowledge, beliefs, symbols, and practices that are transmitted from generation to generation, allowing individuals to identify and relate to their community.

Environmental ethics, on the other hand, is a branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values concerning the relationship between humans and the natural environment. It examines our ethical responsibilities towards nature, including the preservation of ecosystems, conservation of resources, and protection of biodiversity. Environmental ethics aims to address ethical issues related to human impact on the environment and promote sustainable practices.

In terms of influence, it is important to recognize that both culture and environmental ethics can have an impact on each other. Culture shapes our attitudes, perceptions, and values towards nature and the environment. Different cultural perspectives can lead to varying ethical beliefs and behaviors towards nature.

For example, cultures that place a strong emphasis on harmony and interconnectedness with nature may have a greater inclination towards environmental ethics and sustainable behaviors. In contrast, cultures that prioritize exploitation, economic growth, or domination over nature may have less concern for environmental ethics.

At the same time, environmental ethics can also influence culture. As awareness of environmental concerns grows, societies often develop new cultural norms, values, and practices that promote environmental sustainability. Initiatives such as environmental education, conservation movements, and eco-friendly policies can shape cultural attitudes towards the environment and influence individual and collective behavior.

In summary, while culture and environmental ethics are distinct concepts, they are interconnected. Culture shapes our beliefs and customs, which in turn influence our ethical perspectives towards the environment. Likewise, environmental ethics can also impact cultural values and practices as societies become more aware of the importance of sustainability.