What is one benefit of trade?

Prices go up for luxury goods from abroad.

People have access to more goods and services.

Workers may make goods to be sold in other countries

Consumers can choose to buy goods made closer to home

Is it the third one?

I think there's a better answer.

The second choice?


Which of these is most likely a feature of a free trade agreement?

A. Removing tariff from imported goods
B. Raising taxes on exported goods
C. Making it illegal to hire workers in other countries
D. Providing money directly to local manufacturers

Is it b??

No, the correct answer is the second option: "People have access to more goods and services." Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services between different countries. This leads to a greater variety of products becoming available to consumers. When countries engage in trade, they can specialize in producing goods and services that they have a comparative advantage in, which means they can produce them more efficiently and at a lower cost. As a result, consumers have a wider range of choices and can access goods and services that might not be available or affordable domestically.