An alpha particle has a mass of 6.64x10^-27

To find the mass of an alpha particle, you can multiply the given value (6.64x10^-27) by the atomic mass unit (u) conversion factor. One atomic mass unit is equal to 1.66x10^-27 kg.

The equation to find the mass of an alpha particle is as follows:
Mass of Alpha Particle (kg) = Given value (6.64x10^-27) x Conversion factor (1.66x10^-27)

Performing the calculation:

Mass of Alpha Particle (kg) = 6.64x10^-27 x 1.66x10^-27
Mass of Alpha Particle (kg) = 1.10024x10^-53 kg

Therefore, the mass of an alpha particle is approximately 1.10024x10^-53 kg.