Which sentence best tells the effect of scarcity on economics?

A. Scarcity shapes decisions about how to distribute goods.

B. Because resources are scarce consumers buy fewer goods.

C. Scarcity makes people work harder to make more money.

D. The existence of scarce resources forces people to make choices.

Is this b? I think this is the answer, but I am also considering a.

Could be all of the above ... what does your book say?


y dont u just tell us the answer

are you home chooled with connecions accademy

it is not chooled it is school

i think its B. :)

Where are the connections Academy answers?

Hello? i need to check the rest of my answers... I think it is b tho

The correct answer is D. The existence of scarce resources forces people to make choices. Scarcity refers to the fundamental economic problem of limited resources relative to unlimited human wants. Since resources are limited, individuals, businesses, and societies need to make choices about how to allocate these scarce resources in the most efficient and effective manner. This could be in terms of what goods and services to produce, how to distribute them, and who gets access to these resources. Therefore, option D best describes the effect of scarcity on economics.

Option B, "Because resources are scarce consumers buy fewer goods," is not the most accurate choice because scarcity affects more than just consumer behavior. It affects all economic actors, including producers, suppliers, and the overall economy.

Option A, "Scarcity shapes decisions about how to distribute goods," is partially true, but it does not capture the full impact of scarcity. Scarcity not only shapes decisions about distribution but also influences decisions about production, consumption, and resource allocation.

Therefore, while option B might have been a close consideration, option D is the most comprehensive and accurate answer to the given question.