How do you solve the problem:


To solve the problem, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation
Start by multiplying both sides of the equation by the least common denominator (LCD) to eliminate the fractions. In this case, the LCD is (s - 1)(s + 1).

Multiply the first term, (3/(s - 1)), by (s + 1)/(s + 1). This gives you:
(3/(s - 1)) × (s + 1)/(s + 1) = 3(s + 1)/((s - 1)(s + 1)) = 3s + 3/((s - 1)(s + 1)).

Multiply the second term, (12/(s^2 - 1)), by (s - 1)/(s - 1). This gives you:
(12/(s^2 - 1)) × (s - 1)/(s - 1) = 12(s - 1)/((s^2 - 1)(s - 1)) = 12s - 12/((s^2 - 1)(s - 1)).

Now, the equation becomes:
(3s + 3)/((s - 1)(s + 1)) + 1 = (12s - 12)/((s^2 - 1)(s - 1)).

Simplify the equation further by multiplying both sides by (s^2 - 1)(s - 1) to eliminate the denominators:
[(3s + 3)(s^2 - 1)(s - 1)]/((s - 1)(s + 1)) + (s^2 - 1)(s - 1) = [(12s - 12)(s - 1)(s + 1)]/((s^2 - 1)(s - 1)).

This simplifies to:
(3s + 3)(s^2 - 1) + (s^2 - 1)(s - 1) = (12s - 12)(s + 1).

Step 2: Expand and simplify the equation
Expand the terms on both sides of the equation using the distributive property and combine like terms.

(3s^3 - 3s + 3s - 3) + (s^3 - s^2 - s + 1) = 12s^2 + 12s - 12.

Combine like terms:
3s^3 - 3 + s^3 - s^2 - s + 1 = 12s^2 + 12s - 12.

Combine similar terms:
4s^3 - s^2 - s - 2 = 12s^2 + 12s - 12.

Step 3: Rearrange the equation and solve for s
Rearrange the equation to set it equal to zero by subtracting both sides by the expression on the right side:

4s^3 - s^2 - 13s + 10 = 0.

Now, you have a cubic equation in the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0, where a = 4, b = -1, c = -13, and d = 10.

To solve this cubic equation, you can use numerical methods such as factoring, synthetic division, or polynomial division. You can also use a graphing calculator or online equation solver to find the roots of the equation.

Note: The actual process of solving the cubic equation is beyond the scope of this explanation. However, by following the steps outlined above, you can simplify the equation and set it up for further solution methods.