Find a number that is 96 greater than its opposite.

X = The number.

-X = The opposite of the number.

X = -X + 96
2x = 96
X = 48


Let's denote the number we are looking for as "x". The opposite of a number x is given by -x.

According to the problem, "x is 96 greater than its opposite". In equation form, this can be written as:

x = -x + 96

To solve for x, we can simplify the equation by adding x to both sides:

2x = 96

Then, divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 48

Therefore, the number we are looking for is 48.

To find a number that is 96 greater than its opposite, we first need to understand what it means for a number to have an "opposite." The opposite of a number is its additive inverse, which means that when you add a number to its opposite, the result is always zero.

Let's represent the number we're looking for as 'x'. The opposite of 'x' can be denoted as '-x'. According to the given information, we can set up the equation:

x = -x + 96

To solve for 'x', we can start by isolating the variable on one side of the equation. Adding 'x' to both sides gives us:

2x = 96

Now, we divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for 'x':

2x/2 = 96/2
x = 48

Therefore, the number we're looking for is 48.