Are apples smooth or bumpy?

Are bananas smooth or bumpy?

Are oranges smooth or bumpy?

You don't have any pieces of fruit to look for yourself?

1. Apples can have a smooth or slightly bumpy texture, depending on the variety. Some apple varieties have a smooth skin, while others have a slightly rough or bumpy texture.

2. Bananas have a smooth texture. Their skin is typically soft and free of bumps or roughness.

3. Oranges have a slightly bumpy texture. They have a pebbly or dimpled skin, which gives them a slightly rough feel when touched.

To determine whether apples, bananas, and oranges are smooth or bumpy, we can use our knowledge about these fruits.

To examine whether apples are smooth or bumpy, we can touch the surface of an apple. Apples typically have a smooth and glossy texture, with minimal bumps. Some apple varieties might have a few small, shallow indentations or slight unevenness, but they are generally considered smooth.

To determine whether bananas are smooth or bumpy, we can again rely on our sense of touch. Bananas have a smooth, consistent, and slightly waxy surface. They might have some faint ridges or lines, but they are predominantly smooth.

Like the previous fruits, we can use touch to identify the texture of oranges. Oranges have a somewhat rough and bumpy skin. The outer surface of an orange often contains small protrusions known as "pebbly texture." These bumps might be more noticeable on some orange varieties than others.

In summary:
- Apples: Generally smooth with slight bumps or indentations.
- Bananas: Smooth with faint ridges or lines.
- Oranges: Rough and bumpy with a pebbly texture.

Remember, it's always helpful to engage multiple senses when identifying characteristics of different fruits.