Describe an object that commonly undergoes (or could undergo) oxidation.


natural gas (CH4)

An object that commonly undergoes oxidation is iron. To understand why iron undergoes oxidation, let's break down the process:

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that involves the loss of electrons by a substance. In the case of iron, it reacts with oxygen in the presence of moisture or water to form iron oxide, commonly known as rust.

Here's how you can observe the oxidation of iron:

1. Obtain a piece of iron, such as a nail or a paperclip.
2. Expose the iron object to air and moisture. You can achieve this by placing the object in a humid environment or by dampening it with water.
3. Allow time for the oxidation process to occur. It may take several hours or days, depending on the conditions.
4. Observe changes in the appearance of the iron object. Over time, you will notice the formation of a reddish-brown layer on the surface of the iron, which is the iron oxide or rust.

In summary, iron is a common object that undergoes oxidation when exposed to oxygen and moisture, leading to the formation of rust.