i have to take out embellishments, misquotations,false benefits and unethical tactics out of these sentence can some one help me

All customers qualify for the maximum discount available.

Since "maximum discount available" are weasel words, I'd rephrase the statement:

All customers qualify for a discount.

The storm damage to water filtration plant #3 was minimal. While we had to shut down the service as soon as possible to resumed to meet resident’s needs.

To remove embellishments, misquotations, false benefits, and unethical tactics from the sentence "All customers qualify for the maximum discount available," we need to focus on presenting the information accurately and ethically.

1. Embellishments: These are exaggerated or overly decorative elements that can distort the truth. In this sentence, there is no specific embellishment to remove since it is a straightforward claim.

2. Misquotations: Misquotations involve quoting someone inaccurately or taking their words out of context. Since there is no quotation in the given sentence, misquotation is not applicable here.

3. False benefits: False benefits are misleading or deceptive claims designed to make something seem more advantageous than it actually is. To ensure ethical communication, we should avoid making false claims. In the given sentence, we need to clarify whether the maximum discount is available to all customers or only some customers.

Revised sentence: "Customers may be eligible for a discount."

4. Unethical tactics: Unethical tactics involve trickery, manipulation, or dishonesty. To avoid unethical behavior, we should ensure transparency and honesty in our communication. In the given sentence, if the claim of all customers qualifying for the maximum discount is false, it would be an unethical tactic. Therefore, we should accurately state the discount eligibility criteria.

Revised sentence: "Customers who meet the specified criteria are eligible for a discount."

By removing embellishments, misquotations, false benefits, and unethical tactics, we have now presented a more accurate and ethical statement regarding customer eligibility for a discount.