The area of a square garden in square feet is 49x^2-14x+1. Find the dimensions of the garden in terms of x.

FActor the quadratic:(7x-1)^2

Gee, a square. the dimensions are 7x-1 on each side.

FActor the quadratic:(7x-1)^2

the dimensions are 7x-1 on each side.
Thats a guesstimate i looked it up online and that's the best explantion i got srry


Simplify the following expressions


To find the dimensions of the square garden in terms of x, we need to factor the quadratic expression 49x^2 - 14x + 1.

The given expression can be factored using the perfect square trinomial pattern: (a^2 - 2ab + b^2) = (a - b)^2.

Applying this pattern to the quadratic expression 49x^2 - 14x + 1, we can rewrite it as (7x)^2 - 2(7x)(1) + 1^2.

This simplifies to (7x - 1)^2, which means the expression is a perfect square trinomial.

Now, since we are dealing with the area of a square garden, the dimensions will be identical on both sides. Thus, the dimensions of the garden in terms of x are (7x - 1) on each side.

Therefore, the garden has a side length of 7x - 1.