It takes Emily 7 min to type four-fifths of a page of her term paper. At this rate, how long will it take her to type a 7-page term paper?

0.8/7 = 7/x

0.8x = 49
x = 61.25 minutes

7 * 4/5 * 7 = ?

To find out how long it will take Emily to type a 7-page term paper, we need to use the information given about her typing speed.

We know that it takes her 7 minutes to type four-fifths of a page. Let's calculate how long it takes her to type one page:

One page = (7 minutes) / (4/5) = 7 minutes / 0.8 = 8.75 minutes

So, Emily takes 8.75 minutes to type one page of her term paper.

To find out how long it will take her to type a 7-page term paper, we multiply this time by the number of pages:

Total time = (8.75 minutes per page) * (7 pages) = 61.25 minutes

Therefore, it will take Emily approximately 61.25 minutes to type a 7-page term paper at the same rate.