A sprinter set a high school record in track and field, running 200.0 m in 20.9s . What is the average speed of the sprinter in kilometers per hour

avg speed=distance/time

change seconds to hours,and meters to km

To calculate the average speed of the sprinter in kilometers per hour, we can use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time

First, let's convert the distance from meters to kilometers by dividing it by 1000:

200.0 m / 1000 = 0.2 km

Next, let's convert the time from seconds to hours by dividing it by 3600 (since there are 3600 seconds in an hour):

20.9 s / 3600 = 0.0058 hours (approximately)

Now, we can use the formula to find the average speed:

Average speed = 0.2 km / 0.0058 hours

Calculating this:

Average speed = 34.5 km/h (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, the average speed of the sprinter is approximately 34.5 kilometers per hour.