write a program to interface keyboard to MT 8086 microprocessor kit

To interface a keyboard to an 8086 microprocessor kit, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Connect the Keyboard
- Look for the keyboard connector on your microprocessor kit. It typically consists of several pins that match the keyboard's interface.
- Connect the keyboard's data line to a data pin on the microprocessor kit.
- Connect the keyboard's clock line to a clock pin on the microprocessor kit.
- Make sure to connect the ground pins of both the keyboard and the microprocessor kit.

Step 2: Initialize the Keyboard
- In the software, start by initializing the microprocessor kit.
- Configure the required ports and control lines to communicate with the keyboard.

Step 3: Poll for Keyboard Input
- Implement a loop to continuously check for keyboard input.
- Check the status of the keyboard's data line to determine if a key is being pressed.
- If a key is pressed, read the corresponding key code from the keyboard's data line.

Step 4: Process the Key Pressed
- Use the key code obtained from the keyboard to perform the desired action.
- You can compare the key code with a lookup table to determine the corresponding character or action associated with that key.
- For example, if the 'A' key is pressed, the corresponding ASCII value (usually 65) can be sent to the microprocessor kit for further processing.

Step 5: Repeat
- Once the key press is processed, go back to step 3 to continue polling for keyboard input.

This is just a high-level overview of the steps involved in interfacing a keyboard to an 8086 microprocessor kit. The specific implementation details may vary depending on the specific microprocessor kit and programming language you're using.

It is recommended to refer to the microprocessor kit's documentation and keyboard interface specifications for more specific information on pin connections, communication protocols, and how to handle keyboard input in your programming environment.