Mitch Anderson is a security guard. He earns $7.45 per hour for regular time up to 40 hours time and a half for overtime and double time f

or the midnight shift. If mitch worked 56 hours last week, including 4 hours on the midnight shift, how much were his gross earnings?


= 7.45*(40+2*4+1.5*(56-40-4))

To calculate Mitch's gross earnings, we need to determine the pay for regular time, overtime, and the midnight shift separately.

1. Regular Time:
Mitch worked 56 hours in total. Since regular time is up to 40 hours, we subtract 40 from 56 to find the number of regular hours:

Regular Hours = Total Hours - Overtime Hours
Regular Hours = 56 - (56 - 40) = 40 hours

To calculate his earnings for regular time:
Regular Earnings = Regular Hours * Regular Rate
Regular Earnings = 40 hours * $7.45 per hour

2. Overtime:
Mitch worked 56 hours in total, out of which 40 hours were regular hours. So the remaining hours would be considered overtime hours:

Overtime Hours = Total Hours - Regular Hours
Overtime Hours = 56 - 40 = 16 hours

To calculate his earnings for overtime:
Overtime Earnings = Overtime Hours * Overtime Rate
Overtime Earnings = 16 hours * (1.5 * $7.45)

3. Midnight Shift:
Mitch worked 4 hours on the midnight shift. Since the midnight shift pays double time, we can calculate his earnings for the midnight shift as follows:

Midnight Shift Earnings = Midnight Shift Hours * Midnight Shift Rate
Midnight Shift Earnings = 4 hours * (2 * $7.45)

Once we have calculated the earnings for regular time, overtime, and midnight shift, we can find Mitch's gross earnings by adding them together:

Gross Earnings = Regular Earnings + Overtime Earnings + Midnight Shift Earnings

Substituting the calculated values, we can find the gross earnings of Mitch.