How many electrons are transferred in the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with iron (II) ion in

acidic solution to form iron (III) ion and water?

2H^+ +H2O2 + 2Fe^+2 ==> 2Fe^+3 + 2H2O

Check my work.

so its 2 electrons?


To determine the number of electrons transferred in a chemical reaction, we need to examine the change in oxidation states of the elements involved. Let's analyze the reaction step by step:

First, we write the balanced equation for the reaction:
H2O2 + Fe2+ -> Fe3+ + H2O

We can see that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is being reduced to water (H2O), and iron (II) ion (Fe2+) is being oxidized to iron (III) ion (Fe3+).

The oxidation state of oxygen in hydrogen peroxide is -1, and since there are two oxygen atoms, the total oxidation state of oxygen is -2. Hydrogen has an oxidation state of +1.

In the product, water (H2O) has an oxidation state of 0 since it is a neutral molecule, and iron (III) ion (Fe3+) has an oxidation state of +3.

We know that in any balanced equation, the sum of the oxidation state changes must be zero.

So, let's determine the change in oxidation state for oxygen:
Oxygen in H2O2: -2
Oxygen in H2O: 0

Therefore, the oxidation state of oxygen has increased by 2.

Since hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is being reduced, the reduction involves a gain of electrons. To balance the oxidation state change, 2 electrons must be gained.

Considering the change in oxidation state of hydrogen or oxygen alone does not give us the complete picture, so we need to look at the overall reaction.

In the given reaction, two hydrogen peroxide molecules react with one iron (II) ion to form one iron (III) ion and two water molecules.

Therefore, to balance the overall reaction, we need to multiply the number of electrons transferred by the stoichiometric coefficient of the species involved in the reaction.

In this case, 2 electrons are transferred for every one iron (II) ion involved in the reaction.

So, the answer to your question is that 2 electrons are transferred in the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with iron (II) ion in acidic solution to form iron (III) ion and water.