I need to break a folkway and write an essay on it - any ideas?

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Breaking a folkway, which refers to a type of social norm that is less strictly enforced and generally governs everyday behavior, can be an interesting and reflective topic for an essay. Here's how you can approach the task:

1. Understand folkways: Folkways are the customary behaviors and manners of a society, but they are not as morally significant as mores (strongly held norms). They include everyday behaviors like dressing appropriately for an occasion or standing in line. Familiarize yourself with some common examples of folkways to comprehend the scope of potential topics.

2. Identify a folkway to break: Once you have an understanding of folkways, you can select one to break for your essay. Choose something relatively minor, as breaking a more serious norm could have undesirable consequences. Some possibilities include wearing mismatched socks in a formal setting, speaking loudly in a library, or initiating a conversation with a stranger in an elevator.

3. Provide context: Before describing your experience of breaking the folkway, provide a brief background on the norm itself. Explain what it is, why it is generally followed, and how it contributes to social order and expectations.

4. Describe the breaking of the folkway: Explain how you went about breaking the norm. Describe the setting, people's reactions, and any unexpected consequences or discomfort you felt. Be sure to emphasize that your intention was not to cause harm but to gain a deeper understanding of social norms and their impact.

5. Analyze the results: Reflect on the reactions and outcomes of breaking the folkway. Discuss how people responded, whether there were any confrontations, and how the breaking of the norm affected your own behavior and thoughts. Consider the impact of social conformity, societal expectations, and the role of folkways in shaping our daily lives.

6. Draw conclusions: In the final section of your essay, summarize your overall experience and insights gained from breaking the folkway. Discuss the importance of folkways as social guidelines, the potential consequences of breaking social norms, and how societal norms influence our behavior on a daily basis.

Remember, when breaking a folkway, it is essential to approach the situation with respect and consideration for others. The purpose is not to cause harm or distress but to examine the underlying social dynamics that govern our behaviors.