The expression 2x(y-1)-7xy+2x

Please help thank you

What about the expression?

It can be simplified by expanding the factored term, then collecting like terms.

Use: 2x(y-1) = 2xy-2x

In: 2x(y-1)-7xy+2x = ____



To simplify the expression 2x(y-1)-7xy+2x, we can start by using the distributive property to simplify the terms inside the parentheses.

Let's begin by distributing 2x to (y-1):

2x(y-1) = 2xy - 2x

Now the expression becomes: 2xy - 2x - 7xy + 2x

We can combine like terms:

(2xy - 7xy) + (-2x + 2x) = -5xy + 0 = -5xy

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 2x(y-1)-7xy+2x is -5xy.