Rod and reel inc. manufactures and sells fishing rods. The company uses the equation P= 25r - 12,500 to estimate its profit P on the sale on the fishing rods. How many fishing rods were sold if the company made a profit of 125,000?

Please help. Thank you

I got 5500 as the answer

I think you are suppose to add the 12,500 not subtract it.

Ahh, thank you for catching my stupid mistake! I goofed!

125,000 = 25r - 12,500

137,500 = 25r

5,500 = r

You're welcome and thank you

Yes your right you add it because u have -12500 that has to become zero because whatever u do on one side of the eqn you have to do on the other I did the math myself r=5500!!!!

I just went over my arithmetic and still get 4,500. How did you get 5500?



To find the number of fishing rods sold, we need to solve the equation P = 25r - 12,500 for the value of r, which represents the number of fishing rods sold.

Given that the company made a profit of 125,000, we can substitute P = 125,000 into the equation:

125,000 = 25r - 12,500

To isolate the variable r, we need to move -12,500 to the other side of the equation by adding it to both sides:

125,000 + 12,500 = 25r - 12,500 + 12,500

137,500 = 25r

Finally, to solve for r, we divide both sides of the equation by 25:

137,500/25 = 25r/25

5,500 = r

Therefore, the company sold 5,500 fishing rods in order to make a profit of 125,000.

P= 25r - 12,500

125,000 = 25r - 12,500

112,500 = 25r

112,500/25 = r

4,500 = r